Niemand weet wat maanziek is

Script and direction bachelor film


Niemand weet wat maanziek is is a short film that takes place on a warm summer evening in and around an apartment building. A tap hasn't been properly tightened. A thin trickle of water leads us to a baby that is happily splashing in a bathtub of a small apartment. Nobody else is in the bathroom. From there, the camera takes a journey through several apartments to a parking lot. We see the different daily scenes that take place around this event. The people in these scenes are frozen in time, like statues. The film is a detailed view of a stretched moment in time. 


Jules Reckinger, Filip Bartholomeeussen, Viviane Verdickt, Guy Beyens, Maguette M’bow, Dorien Buys, Remi Rupprecht, Katelijne Fleerackers, Pieter Standaert, Paul Ghysebrechts, Franky Versprille (figures), Astrid Bode (script, director, editor), Tina Herbots (assistant director), Dieter Dedecker (cinematography), Kanter Constandse (second camera operator), Idan Datauker,  Brecht Goeman (camera assistence), Ahmed Akif, Evert De Maeyer, Douwe Rubben, Camilla Tola Alvarez (light), Marjolein Guldentops, Stephanie Becquet (art direction), Natasha Vanderhulst (hair and make-up), Erik Peiren,  Jérôme Bartholomeüs (postproduction)

coproduced by Luca School of Arts


Het Grote Ongeduld!Xtra 2016 in Bozar cinema

Coupé Décalé #3 in Charleroi Danse, La Raffinerie